Lazy Ass Reviews: Trouble with the Curve (2012)

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Trouble with the Curve (2012)
A movie starring the epitome of the crazy old coot, Clint Eastwood (this time not talking to empty chairs), surprisingly good actor Justin Timberlake and red headed hotty (not to mention busy gal) Amy Adams, "Trouble with the Curve" takes a look into the life of the only MLB scout not using computers (and the only person with vision problems not smoking the reefer). This story could be said to be about baseball, but that's just a ruse for the world's collective girlfriends to get their boyfriends off the couch during MLB playoffs and see a semi-sappy movie with them. Have no doubt that this is actually a love story between a distanced father and daughter and an workaholic and walled up woman succumbing to the wily charms of a young heart throb - but guys, it's worth scoring a few points with your lady friends (plus you won't hate it).

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